Cancellation, Refund, and Transfer Policies

Registration Cancellation:

If you find it necessary to cancel your registration, please contact the immediately or call +1240-319-8823 .

No Show:

A no call, no show is an absence from the class without notifying Advance Mentor Academy. Refunds or transfers will not be allowed for anyone registered for a class and does not show or attend.


  • Full refunds will be given to any student canceling at least 3 full business days prior to the first class date. Student will incur all charges with no refund if student does not drop the class at least 3 business days prior to the first class start date.
  • For courses which provide course materials prior to the first class start date, a two week notice to drop the course is required or a $200 administrative fee will be charged. Class materials cannot be returned since Advancementor cannot determine the extent to which student have made use of the material, hence will be charged a material fee of $350


A transfer will be given to any student if notification is given at least 3 full business days prior to the first class start date. Student will incur all charges with no refund if student does not request the transfer at least 3 business days prior to the first class start date.


  • Substitutions for one class participant for another will be approved.
  • Substitutes arriving on the first class date will be required to document the substitution in writing on the class roster and complete registration materials prior to the beginning of class.
  • Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credit will not be awarded for substitutions made after the first class date.

Course Cancellations:

Advancementor reserves the right to cancel courses that do not meet minimum enrollment levels or for other good cause. Students will be notified of these cancellations prior to the first class start date, and will be offered a full refund or transfer to another batch class.

General Policies:

Attendance Policy

In order to receive a Certificate of Completion students must attend 75% of the scheduled classes and meet the evaluation criteria set by the course instructor.

Certificates of Completion:

Certificates of Completion are awarded upon completion of most non-credit courses/programs. Individual participants will receive a certificate suitable for framing. The certificate indicates only that the individual met the attendance requirements for the program and represents the skill level of the student in his trained industry.

Changes to Program Offerings:

Advancementor reserves the right to modify or cancel programs and substitute presenters without notice at Advancementor’s own discretion.

Confirmation of Registration:

Your class reservation is confirmed by payment of fee. You must include an email address in your online registration in order to receive an automatic confirmation email when the registration has been processed. Please be sure to mark your class information on your calendar. You will be notified only if your class has been canceled or is already filled.

Continuing Education Units:

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are a nationally recognized means of recording non-credit study. Many employers and re-licensure agencies accept them as evidence of your serious commitment to career advancement and the maintenance of professional competence. One CEU is defined as 10 contact hours of satisfactory participation in an organized continuing education experience, under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.


All programs are copyrighted; therefore video, audio, and/or photographic recordings are not permitted. Materials distributed as a part of any program entitle the user to reference the materials, but not reproduce, distribute, or store them electronically, photographically, video graphically, digitally, or by any other means.


Course offerings at Advancementor Academy do not constitute an offer for a contract between Advancementor Academy and others. The Academy reserves the right to change any provisions, offering or requirement at any time in order to provide better service in the interest of the academy and its students. The academy further reserves the right to ask a student to withdraw when it considers such action to be appropriate. Students are responsible for understanding public announcements regarding changes.

Equal Opportunity - Nondiscrimination:

Advancementor Academy is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in the employment and education opportunity. No person shall be discriminated against in the terms and condition of employment, personnel practices, or access to and participation in, programs, services, and activities with regard to race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identify, gender expression, familial status or membership or activity in a local commission as defined by law.

Payment Policy & Forms of Payment:

Full payment is required at the time of registration for individuals enrolling for participation in a course. The majority of our course fees include instructional materials and use of related facilities during the period established for instruction. Occasionally, students will be advised to purchase their book(s) or other materials in advance. Advancementor Academy will not be liable for unusable or non-refundable expenses incurred in anticipation of participation in a program that is cancelled for any reason. Payment for individual registrations may be made by personal or company check, money order, by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover accepted), cash, or by submitting request for third-party authorization (Bill-to-company). A third-party authorization must be approved by an authorized representative of the company.

Registration & Program Availability:

Registration in any program may be made via the instructions outlined in the Registration section of this website. As registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, we encourage registering early. Because most programs are maintained with strict census limitations, wait lists will be established for programs which exceed capacity. All space is subject to availability. Our online registration system enables students to add themselves to waiting lists. For questions, please contact Advancementor Academy registration office at +1 240-319-8823

Software Licensing:

All software used in the presentation of our programs has been licensed to the Academy for its exclusive use in an educational setting. Program participants are prohibited from copying, transmitting or otherwise moving the software in any form.

Tax Deduction for Educational Expenses:

Program fees and expenses for professional development purposes (including travel, meals, and lodging) paid to maintain and improve professional skills may be tax deductible. Advancementor Academy recommends that you seek the advice of the IRS or a qualified tax advisor to determine your individual status.